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  • Writer's pictureLeigh

Learn More About Leigh

Hello friends! Here's a few things about me you may not already know!

Lets get the basics out of the way:

- My name sounds like Lee, as in Bruce Lee ;)

- 30 years young

- If Astrology tickles your fancy I'm a Leo Sun, Aries Moon, Aries Rising, triple fire baby!

- According to the Myers-Briggs test (that I've taken multiple times) I'm an INTJ and I gotta say, I think it fits.

- If you're more of an enneagram person, I'm an 8w7

- In a world where none of this matters except your Hogwarts house, I'm a Slytherin, and yes I've taken this one multiple times too! LOL

If that hasn't given you a pretty good idea of the kind of person I am, here are a few more personal details that might catch you up to speed:

- I've been married since February 2020, we got that and our Maui honeymoon in right before the metaphorical sh*t hit the fan here in the US.

- We have three incredible dogs that we love as our children, two pugs one chihuahua. Their names are Waffle (pug), Cannoli (chihuahua), and Sausage (pug,) in that order.

- I'm a born and raised St.Louisan, however I did spend two years in LA when I was 19-21, more on that another time.

- I actually grew up athletic as hell, played a sport for every season, but volleyball was my true love. I think team sports teach you a lot about how to win, but also about how to gracefully lose and try harder next time. I'm convinced my drive and determination came from this, and necessity.

- I always wanted to be a hair stylist and makeup artist, and to eventually own my own business, I've never had a desire that I didn't pursue and see-through. This was literally my dream, and I'm so beyond lucky everyday to be living it.

- If I'm not drinking iced-coffee or coke zero I'm probably rocking a tequila or mezcal bevy.

- I live for live music. For my first concert I was just 9 months old, truth be told I probably had no business being there, but my parents raised me on music, its embedded in my bones. Fun-fact: I played guitar in high school and can still fumble around a bit here and there.

- My friends describe me as: confident, caring, witty, and extra as hell (my friend Jane actually got me a trophy for my 30th birthday that says "most extra," true story.)

I think that's good for now! Catch you on the flip!

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